
Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015

Exhibition view Connexions / Conexiones, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Grenada (España)


Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015    Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015

Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015    Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015

Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015    Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015

Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015    Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015

Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015    Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015

Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015    Amélie Berrodier-Neighbors-2015

Positioned on the border between private and public, people crossing the door of their homes are undergoing a full transformation of themselves. They move from a solitary space to a space where they will be confronted to others.

Photographs – Inkjet prints on satin paper – Laminating – 27.9 x 42 cm – 2015


The distinction of the private and the public is played at the level of the opposition from the inside and the outside. Is "private" which is reserved to some and closed to others, while what is open to all is "public".

Jürgen Habermas speaks of it as two spheres with relative autonomy. For him, two risks are lurking, publicising the private and privatising the public.

Because the private is associated with the habitat first. No one needs to know what is going on in an individual's home. When the door opens, it opens a breach. The public can then intrude into the private as well as the air that rushes into it.

By penetrating the private, it is possible to reveal what is common and touches an ensemble. Saving the sensitive envelope of beings and things in order to guess the hidden part, allows me to make from a personal interior an universal exterior.