Au delà de l’héritage

Au delà de l’Héritage
(Beyond the Inheritance) exhibition
Montmartre – Paris (France)

18 April 2016-01 May 2016

“The exhibition aims to testify of the vitality and diversity of the young visual creation around the concept of “heritage” in relation to the notions of artistic, cultural, historical, material and intangible patrimony.

The legacy of Montmartre is not neutral: the renowned artists who have gone through this “hot-spot” make it intimidating. However, the heritage’s characteristic is to navigate between opposition, conservation and inspiration. It excludes and includes, it establishes a reference from which each one positions himself. The theme of inheritance invites artists to think about their references, their personal cultural identity and to question the influence of their environment on their artistic practices.

Artists are thus led to consider the “heritage” using their own perceptions and experiences.”
Traduction : Amélie Berrodier

Vous n’auriez pas une idée ? (Wouldn’t you have an idea ?)
For the exhibition “Au delà de l’Héritage”, the artist stops the passersby of the Esplanade du Sacré Coeur.
If they were an artist themselves, what would they produce?

Installation – Mixed Techniques – variable Dimensions – 2016