
Ensemble (Together) exhibition
Circuit Art à la Pointe – Audierne (France)

13 July 2016 – 23 August 2016

Amélie Berrodier develops devices with the simple rules she uses to observe, with the apparent neutrality of a documentary approach, the complexity of the feelings and behaviours that builds relationships with others. Whether anonymous (correspondence with strangers), users of a public bench, windows of private apartments opening on the common area of the city,…) or, on the contrary, of special encounters that she cultivates up to the threshold of intimacy (a single man speaking of his ex-wives, moments of the daily life of a couple where a solitude crosses another…) She tries to spot – as one detects an air leak by the depression it engenders – the eventualities of a passage from “one” to “the whole”, however tenuous it may be.

Without prejudging any necessity, she draws up a sensitive inventory of remarkable links or the desire that their lack reveals. No peremptory conclusion of a sociological nature, no psychological speculation, simply trying to perceive in the banality of the daily life what is the universality peculiar to the condition of the observed species or what signs the belonging to a specific ensemble. “

Yvain Bornibus, artistic director Cap Accueil – 2016

Traduction : Amélie Berrodier

Amélie Berrodier - Ensemble - 2016

Amélie Berrodier - Ensemble - 2016

Amélie Berrodier - Ensemble - 2016

Amélie Berrodier - Ensemble - 2016

Amélie Berrodier - Ensemble - 2016

Amélie Berrodier - Ensemble - 2016

Amélie Berrodier - Ensemble - 2016